Monday, July 14, 2014

Líderes con ideas y pensamientos abiertos para completar la misión

Jaime es un estudiante y agente salvavidas quien entregó su vida a Jesús

Predicar con urgencia el mensaje es el norte del Ministerio Noches de Esperanza. La semana pasada tuvimos la decisión de bautismo de Jaime. Quien después de estudiar la Biblia con nosotros, decide convertirse en un discípulo.
No sabemos cuanto tiempo más tarde Jesús,pero de lo que si estamos seguros es que tenemos la misón de seguir anunciando al  mundo por todos los medios que Jesús muy pronto volverá.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dr. Ben Carson, Adventist neurosurgeon who was the first person to successfully separate Siamese twins joined at head.

Benjamin Solomon "BenCarson Sr., (born September 18, 1951) is an American columnist and retired neurosurgeon. He is credited with being the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head. In 2008 he was awarded thePresidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush. After delivering a widely publicized speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, he became a popular figure in conservative media for his views on social issues and the federal government.

First years:

Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan the son of Sonya (née Copeland), a Seventh-day Adventist; and Robert Solomon Carson, aBaptist Minister.[1] His parents were both from rural Georgia.[1] When he was 8 years old, his parents divorced and he and his 10-year-old brother, Curtis, were raised by their mother.[2] He attended Southwestern High School in Southwest Detroit, and graduated from Yale University, where he majored in premed with a minor in psychology. He received his M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School.

Medical career:

Dr. Carson was a professor of neurosurgeryoncologyplastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.[3] At age 33, he became the youngest major division director in Johns Hopkins history, as director of pediatric neurosurgery. He was also a co-director of the Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center.
According to Johns Hopkins Hospital literature, “Dr. Carson focuses on traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors,achondroplasia, neurological and congenital disorders, craniosynostosisepilepsy, and trigeminal neuralgia. He is also interested in maximizing the intellectual potential of every child.”[3]
Dr. Carson believes his hand–eye coordination and three-dimensional reasoning skills made him a gifted surgeon.[4] After medical school, he became a neurosurgery resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Starting off as an adult neurosurgeon, Carson became more interested in pediatrics. He believed that with children, “what you see is what you get,... when they’re in pain they clearly show it with a frown on their face or when they are happy they show it by smiling brightly.[4]
In 1987 Carson successfully separated conjoined twins, the Binder twins, who had been joined at the back of the head, making themcraniopagus twins. The 70-member surgical team, led by Carson, worked for 22 hours. At the end, the twins were successfully separated and can now survive independently. As Carson wrote in his book:
...they would always exsanguinate. They would bleed to death, and I said, ‘There’s got to be a way around that.... I was talking to a friend of mine, who was a cardiothoracic surgeon, who was the chief of the division, and I said, ‘You guys operate on the heart in babies, how do you keep them from exsanguinating?’ and he says, ‘Well, we put them in hypothermic arrest.’ I said, ‘Is there any reason that—if we were doing a set of Siamese twins that were joined at the head—that we couldn’t put them into hypothermic arrest, at the appropriate time, when we’re likely to lose a lot of blood?’ and he said, ‘No way.’ ... Two months later, along came these doctors from Germany, presenting this case of Siamese twins. And, I was asked for my opinion, and I then began to explain the techniques that should be used, and how we would incorporate hypothermic arrest... And, my colleagues and I, a few of us went over to Germany. We looked at the twins. We actually put in scalp expanders, and five months later we brought them over and did the operation, and lo and behold, it worked.[5]
Carson figured in the revival of the hemispherectomy, a drastic surgical procedure in which part or all of one hemisphere of the brain is removed to control severe pediatricepilepsy. He refined the procedure in the 1980s, encouraged by Dr. John M. Freeman,[6] and performed it many times.[7][8]
In addition to his responsibilities at Johns Hopkins, he has served on the boards of the Kellogg CompanyCostco, and the Academy of Achievement. He is an emeritus fellow of theYale Corporation.
In March 2013, Carson announced he would retire as a surgeon, stating “I’d much rather quit when I'm at the top of my game, and there’s so many more things that can be done.”[9] His retirement became official on July 1, with Carson saying he would leave the decision of whether to go into politics “in the hands of God, but much can be done outside the political arena.” [10]
Awards and honors:
Carson is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, and the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans. In 2000 he received the Award for Greatest Public Service Benefiting the Disadvantaged, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards.[11] In 2008 the White House awarded Carson the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.[12] In 2010, he was elected into the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine.[13] Carson has been awarded 38 honorary doctorate degrees and dozens of national merit citations
Carson has written six bestselling[15] books published by Zondervan, an international Christian media and publishing company: Gifted HandsThink BigThe Big PictureTake the Risk, and America the Beautiful, and One Nation. The first book is an autobiography, and two are about his personal philosophies of success that incorporate hard work and a faith in God.
Carson’s book titled Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story was released by Zondervan in 1992.[16] A separate television movie with thesame title premiered on TNT on February 7, 2009, with Cuba Gooding Jr. in the lead role and Kimberly Elise portraying his mother.[17]
On July 8, 2013, Carson joined The Washington Times as a weekly opinion columnist

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



“Quieto estuvo Moab desde su juventud, y sobre su sedimento ha estado reposado, y no fue vaciado de vasija en vasija, ni nunca estuvo en cautiverio; por tanto, quedó su sabor en él, y su olor no se ha cambiado” (Jeremías 48:11)

Vivimos en un mundo rodeado de personas que se adaptan fácilmente a las circunstancias que los rodean, es decir personas que aunque reconocen que su relación personal con Dios no esta del todo bien no hacen nada por mejorarla.

Una de las armas mas mortíferas con las que el enemigo trata de nublar tu visión es EL CONFORMISMO, el cual al llegar a tu vida difícilmente te permitirá llegar mas allá de lo Dios anhela que llegues.

Por esa razón quiero detenerme en este tema definiendo las características, las causas y las soluciones para el conformismo. Dedicamos este tema a todos aquellos que en algún momento de su vida tuvieron grande anhelos pero lastimosamente el conformismo apareció en sus vidas y actualmente aun siguen luchando por salir de este difícil modo de vida.

¿Qué es el Conformismo? Según el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española es: Práctica de quien fácilmente se adapta a cualquier circunstancia de carácter público o privado.

Una persona conformista esta llena de ciertas características que por su conformismo salen a flote, entre ellas están:

• Tiene Falta de una “Felicidad Real” y es una persona aislada de los demás.

• El conformismo, en la mayoría de las veces, no es otra cosa que temor al fracaso.

• Es una persona “auto-justificada”, ejemplo: “para que quiero más, si con lo que tengo me alcanza y me sobra” (normalmente no le alcanza y mucho menos le sobra), o de lo contrario dice “yo no soy ambicioso” (la realidad es que le teme a ambicionar o desear algo y no poder alcanzarlo).

• Un conformista nunca piensa en mejorar, en salir adelante.

• Por lo general son personas mediocres, es decir personas que comienzan algo y no lo terminan.

Si tomamos en cuenta lo que hemos mencionado hasta aquí, podemos aseverar que el conformismo es la contrapartida de la lucha para obtener algo. 


• La Falta de logros.
• Algún fracaso en cualquier ámbito, ya sea secular, sentimental o espiritual.
• La falta de motivación espiritual

Tal vez te sientes conforme porque tienes un trabajo, una casa, una i iglesia a la q predicas cada semana, o porque ya alcanzaste tus objetivos personales y ministeriales. Si es así, haz caído en conformismo.

Definitivamente es difícil salir del conformismo sino se tiene la voluntad o el deseo de hacerlo y claro como es de esperar una persona conformista difícilmente va a querer cambiar ya que el sentimiento de conformidad no le querrá permitir realizar dicha acción.

1. Debes reconocer que el conformismo espiritual te puede llevar a la mediocridad.
2. Debes recurrir a Jesús para que el sea quien sane esa área de tu vida, ya que el conformismo no te hará prosperar espiritualmente.
3. Comienza a ponerte metas en la vida, luego llega a ellos por medio de etapas progresivas y cuando arribes al final de la carrera podrás decir con total placer y felicidad “LO HE LOGRADO”.
4. Nunca le tengas temor al fracaso si Dios esta contigo eres mas que vencedor.

Es hora que dejemos a un lado el conformismo al que hemos caído y es hora que comencemos a anhelar mas y mas cada día.
Dios no te ha llamado para ser un conformista espiritual, El te ha llamado a cumplir metas con su apoyo y con tus talentos lo lograrán.

Nunca dejes de hacer algo por miedo al fracaso, siempre que Dios te halla llamado a realizar una obra, no dudes en cumplirla, pues si Dios te ha llamado, El te capacitara y el te respaldara.

Que triste la vida de los conformistas, cuantas cosas se pierde por temor al fracaso, no seas tu uno de ellos, es hora que comiences a luchar por tu metas, y recuerda: JESÚS YA VENCIÓ POR TI EN LA CRUZ DEL CALVARIO.
Recuerda: Romanos 12: 2 “No os conforméis a este siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro entendimiento, para que comprobéis cuál sea la buena voluntad de Dios, agradable y perfecta”.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Noches de Esperanza in a Men Congress in Panama

Brother Al Arauz was the preacher in the Men Congress cellebrated in La Estrella, Panama. Preaching a hope word for all the audience. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Noches de Esperanza Campaing in Panama

Hope Evening Campaing was celebrate in Panama in one the most important ponit of the City. It was marvelous to see people from everywhere comig to Jesus.
This is a kind of public evangelism. To go where the people is, and noy waiting for them in our churches.
Please pray for our ministry because we need the hekp of the Lord to keep touching lives for Jesus.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Will Smith keeps his fath in Jesus and thinks of a film based on a Bible story.

Will Smith film directorial debut on a project that is owned by Sony Pictures and is being produced by Overbrook Entertainment, the company of Smith himself. 
Will Smith looks set to reinvent his cheerful personality in the filming of the project on the story of Cain and Abel. 
  Hollywood still looking for inspiration in the Scriptures. . Now Will Smith is set to a Bible passage to film the story of Cain and Abel.
For nobody is a secret that Smith is being taught by Devon Franklinm an Adventist man who is a producer in Hollywood. 
On the pic, Smith has Franklin's book "Produced by Faith" a book which inspires to look for Jesus.
Since a time ago, 
Will Smith has been talking to Devon Franklin about his faith in Jesus and God´s  plan for his life.
Thanks God because He is touching hearts of people who in other times were not used to declare his fath on him